Healing of Memories Luxembourg – Creation of an association
On 28 November 2020 the Healing of Memories Luxembourg/Europe Support Group, which had been set up within ACAT-Luxembourg, became an independent association. It was the culmination of a journey which began in 2008, with many activities organised along the way.
Background – Healing of Memories in Luxembourg (2008-2020)
The Healing of Memories Luxembourg/Europe Support Group grew out of a partnership established between ACAT Luxembourg and Michael Lapsley, Director of the Institute for Healing of Memories (IHOM), following his first visit to Luxembourg in November 2008 to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Support Group was responsible for promoting the IHOM in Luxembourg and regularly welcomed Michael Lapsley here. It gradually established a team of facilitators trained in the healing of memories methodology to run activities in this field, in particular, workshops organised for a range of participants in Luxembourg and elsewhere. The group also made a major contribution to the translation and distribution of Michael Lapsley’s memoir “Redeeming the Past – My Journey from Freedom Fighter to Healer”, which has proved a very popular means of providing an introduction to, and promoting, his methodology.
Healing of Memories, a not-for-profit association
The setting-up of our association was the logical next step in the establishment of the healing of memories process in Europe and it marks the beginning of a new phase in this venture in Luxembourg. The association forms an integral part of the IHOM international network.