Two healing of memories workshops: one for the general public, the other for prison inmates

In October 2024, a healing of memories workshop for the general public was held at the Centre d’accueil Clairefontaine in Belgium, a stone’s throw from the Luxembourg border. (…)
Another healing of memories workshop was held ten days later at the main Luxembourg prison (CPL).

Launch of the first African-language translation of Michael Lapsley’s memoir

Luxembourg is known as a cosmopolitan country where you can hear and speak almost any language in the world. This autumn, Michael Lapsley and Healing of Memories Luxembourg put the spotlight on a language that’s not so common in our region: Swahili.

Africa project – 2024-2025 cycle, main session

From July 12 to 22, 26 new trainees from 9 West and Central African countries took part in a 10-day basic training session in Grand-Popo (Benin)…

Testimonials from participants and trainers >>

Africa training project 2024-2025:
a new cycle begins

Press release issued on the eve of the Grand-Popo session

WATCH OUR NEW FILM “Healing the wounds of the past”


As with the IHOM, the mission of Healing of Memories Luxembourg
is to accompany individuals who bear the physical,
psychological, or emotional wounds
of a painful past on the path towards
healing and renewed wholeness…

Every story needs a listener…