Two healing of memories workshops: one for the general public, the other for prison inmates
In October 2024, a healing of memories workshop for the general public was held at the Centre d’accueil Clairefontaine in Belgium, a stone’s throw from the Luxembourg border. (…)
Another healing of memories workshop was held ten days later at the main Luxembourg prison (CPL).

Launch of the first African-language translation of Michael Lapsley’s memoir
Luxembourg is known as a cosmopolitan country where you can hear and speak almost any language in the world. This autumn, Michael Lapsley and Healing of Memories Luxembourg put the spotlight on a language that’s not so common in our region: Swahili.

Africa project – 2024-2025 cycle, main session

From July 12 to 22, 26 new trainees from 9 West and Central African countries took part in a 10-day basic training session in Grand-Popo (Benin)…
Africa training project 2024-2025:
a new cycle begins
Press release issued on the eve of the Grand-Popo session

WATCH OUR NEW FILM “Healing the wounds of the past”

Every story needs a listener…