Healing of memories workshops

What is an HOM workshop?

Each of us has a story to tell. And every story needs to be heard. Our lives have been marked by events, some of them rather painful. Childhood trauma, unfair treatment, violence, conflict, grief… Some recent events, in particular during the current Covid-19 crisis, may have brought up within us old memories and reopened old wounds.

The healing of memories workshop gives us an opportunity to acknowledge the emotional wounds which we carry, both individually and collectively (within the family, the community, the nation).
It also provides a safe space where we can tell our life story in an atmosphere of confidentiality and respect. When my story is shared, acknowledged and reverenced, I can take one step towards healing personal and interpersonal wounds. There are no observers in these workshops. Everyone participates fully, including the facilitators.

Feedback from participants in workshops held in Luxembourg

“I am sometimes pursued and haunted by the fear of passing on poisonous memories to my children.  The workshop enabled me to start healing these memories and then to envisage the possibility of forgiveness.  For me that was like finding an oasis in the desert.”

“The workshop enabled me to treat the painful, open wounds that life has inflicted on me.  Taking part was a first decisive step which helped me to pick myself up and move forward with confidence and serenity.”

HOM workshop: a step towards inner peace

We all like to bask in happy memories of bygone years. But darker, painful memories are more difficult to live with.

We may be tempted to ignore or repress the wounds of the past in the hope that time will erase them all. However, our past is inscribed in us and the memories remain. The most significant events in our lives leave an imprint and condition the way we are and the way we act, sometimes unconsciously. They can even block us from living out our lives and fulfilling our potential.

The healing of memories workshop gives us an opportunity to stop and reflect, to re-read our history and review our past. It allows us to touch the wounds that are still open and holding us back, and to begin to move forward again.

We warmly invite you to take part in the healing of memories workshop. We don’t promise you a miracle, but we can assure you of a step towards healing.

HOM workshop: is it for me?

A video to think about it

…and to find out more about Michael Lapsley and the Institute for Healing Memories :