Contributions from the Benin participants

In response to the questionnaire on the theme of collective wounds, the team of participants from Cotonou sent us its audio interview (in French) with journalist Megan Valère SOSSOU, chairman of the Benin branch of “Save our Planet”.
All the participants from Benin also sent us the results of their reflections. You will find those at the bottom of the page.

Hera are some quotes from the audio interview

“In terms of wounds, Benin is divided. The division is a wound. There are also several other wounds in terms of corruption, embezzlement, favoritism, ransom.”

“What is at the root of these wounds; it all dates from the colonisation (…) the coloniser managed to really instill certain ideologies in us.”

Megan Valère SOSSOU

Listen to this audio interview on collective wounds in Benin